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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dark Phoenix – Famke Janssen

Jean Grey’s naughtier and far more menacing alter ego is Dark Phoenix. Portrayed by the sleek Famke Janssen, Phoenix was always within Grey, locked away since her youth by the follically-challenged Professor X. It was only when Grey sacrificed herself for her comrades-in-black-rubber that her massively potent dark side came to the fore. Phoenix became a class 5 mutant – immensely powerful and awesomely dangerous – quite possibly the most formidable villain ever created. She was only stopped when Wolverine confronted her in X-Men: The Last Stand’s climactic finale and stabbed her in the guts. And what lovely, lovely guts they were. Dark Phoenix was ranked as IGN’s 9th Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time (2009).

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