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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mystique – Rebecca Romijn

From her first appearance in Ms. Marvel #16, the lithe, azure goddess that is Raven ‘Mystique’ Darkholme has enjoyed a special place in the pantheon of sizzlin’ supervillainy. Possessing fearsome skills in combat, acrobatic dexterity and the power to endlessly shape-shift, Mystique is certainly a mutant who can hold her own. Indeed, she is put to good use at different times to spy on, infiltrate and assassinate various people who stand in her and the behelmeted Magneto’s way. She sports what might also be the best costume ever devised (for a hot movie supervillain, anyway), and you can’t deny that Mystique pulls off the blue skin look far better than Papa Smurf ever did. According to ComicBookHotties.com: “To play Mystique, every day Rebecca had to start out nude, and then two female make-up artists would apply blue body paint, and other stick-on parts, for 8 hours a day.” No wonder X-Men was a blockbuster hit. If anybody wants me, I’ll be back at school learning to be a make-up artist.

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