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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Christina Aguilera Offered National Anthem Do-Over At Minor League Baseball Game

How this for a patriotic do-over? A minor league baseball team is offering Christina Aguilera a chance to perform “The Star-Spangled Banner” before one of their games.

The “Fighter” singer was thrust into a firestorm of controversy when she botched one of the lines of The National Anthem as more than 100 million fans tuned into Sunday’s Super Bowl in Arlington, Texas. The five-time Grammy Award winner has since blamed the flub on nerves, prompting The Brooklyn Cyclones to offer the Staten Island native a chance to open one of their games with a performance of The Anthem this summer.

“We’ve all made mistakes,” Steve Cohen, the team’s General Manager, said Tuesday. “But when most of us make mistakes, it’s not in front of 100 million people watching in every corner of the world. When a player makes a mistake, they usually don’t get a shot at redemption, but with a singer, that’s a different story.”

Aguilera is the latest in a long line of performers to screw up the Francis Scott Key-penned anthem and has continued to take heat since mangling the fourth line of the song on Sunday.

Instead of singing: “Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming…” Aguilera– who has been performing the song publicly since she was 7 — belted out: “Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, what so proudly we watched at the twilight’s last reaming.

In related news, after she fluffed the lyrics to the National Anthem, some of the people closest to Christina think it’s high time the petite powerhouse pulled “A Lohan” and checked into rehab. Concerned friends and colleagues see the “Star-Spangled” blooper at last weekend’s game as proof that Aguilera needs to get help to curb her excessive partying.

But Christina has threatened to fire any staffer who dare to tell her she’s partying too hard, those with knowledge of the situation tell In Touch Weekly.

“Christina’s drinking has some of her friends worried ….. She seems to be getting out of control, and her friends want her to get PROFESSIONAL help. The past few weeks, her partying has escalated ….. If she is drinking until she passes out, that’s NOT good”

Adds another source: “They wanted to talk to her carefully about the issue, but they’re not going to because they are scared after she threatened to fire them. Her people desperately want this to come out so she will get help.”

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