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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Snooki Toni Morrison Rutgers University Speaking Fee Controversy

Snooki Toni Morrison Rutgers University

Who’s the more valuable college speaker: An oversexed, underclothed reality star or a Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist?

Looks like it’s Snooki for the win! And the scariest part is this isn’t an April Fools’ Day joke!

Rutgers University — which last made headlines when two freshman were arrested for bullying a gay classmate to suicide last fall — is under fire after the New Jersey institution’s University Programming Association paid Jersey Shore pickle-fanatic Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi $32,000 to speak to students at Livingston Student Center in Piscataway on Thursday. That’s $2,000 more than the $30,000 the university is paying Song of Solomon author Toni Morrison to deliver the commencement address to Rutgers’ 2011 graduating class next month.

See our dilemma?

In the past 24 hours, the university has pulled out all of the stops to distance itself from the debate.

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