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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Natalie Portman is in cloud nine; well, she’s preggers and engaged

Natalie Portman is ecstatic to share her good news: she’s engaged to boyfriend Benjamin Millepied and pregnant with their first child. The Black Swan babe is to walk down the aisle someday in 2011. Miss Portman, who is known for being media-shy in personal issues, told the press, “I have always kept my private life private but I will say that I am indescribably happy and feel very grateful to have this experience.” No doubt this baby would be one of the most talented (Natalie has a Harvard degree) and gorgeous baby in all Hollywood. French born Millepied, 32, and Natalie, 29, met on the set of Black Swan as he’s a ballet choreographer that helped her to train for her role as prima ballerina.What a great year for Natalie: her last movie is a total hit, and now with a bun in the oven and to be married! Mazel Tov and looking forward for an even much better 2011! We wish the same to recently engaged couples: Reese Witherspoon-Tim Toth, Shania Twain-Frederic Thiebaud, and Lily Allen- Sam Cooper.

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