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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Katie Holmes’ New Movie Sucks

How could Katie Holmes, 32, have been anything else but “very upset” when the news sprang up that people were crowding the theater doorway to get off before the end of her latest movie?

A mass exodus was reported from The Son of No One (Sundance), dramatic thriller, a while before the film ended – to be gainsaid the following day by one of the producers, Cassian Elwes.

Discussing the incident with UsMagazine Elwes, who is also a sales agent, denied that there had been any exodus. According to him, some people left when the projectionist accidentally turned on the lights before the due time. He added that people who realized the mistake and stayed until the end liked the movie.

As to Holmes’ performance, Elwes stated that it was beyond criticism. He said that she was “great” and “fantastic” and assured that the producers are unanimous in standing by her and the whole cast of The Son. They have three offers filed on the film, and what he termed as an “attack” was uncalled for.

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