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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Russell Brand Deported From Japan

Russell Brand Deported
The past came back to haunt Russell Brand as the funnyman’s criminal offences from a decade ago has led him to be deported from the airport on arrival with pop star wife Katy Perry.The 35-year-old comedian was allegedly held by the immigration officials and eventually expelled from Japan due to to old arrests on his record from 10 years ago, reported New York Daily News.The ‘Fireworks’ hitmaker, who was upset with her husband’s deportation, took to micro blogging site Twitter to disclose the news to her fans. “My husband just got deported from Japan. I am so sad. I brought him all this way to show him my favorite place #tokyodreamscrushed. It was for priors from over 10 years ago! But of COURSE I (love) my Japanese fans & the show #MUSTGOON no matter the daily aftershocks or husband kidnappings! (sic)” wrote Perry.Brand also tweeted his side of the drama. He posted a photo of himself while in detention and joked, “Planning escape from Japanese custody. It’s hard to to dig a tunnel with a chopstick.”A former heroin addict, the ‘Arthur’ star was arrested 11 times before he finally got clean in 2002. Last September, he was detained by police in Los Angeles after he attacked a paparazzo who Perry claimed put a photo lens up her dress at LAX Airport

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