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Monday, May 9, 2011

Toddlers in Tiaras Reality Show

Toddlers in Tiaras Reality Show

The urge to procreate is very strong. Let’s get real, who wouldn’t want to actually create a little clone of themselves that they can then dress up in little outfits and carry around like a cute purse? Children, like dogs, are very cute when dressed up like little grown-ups. Pageants evoke the same feeling that the painting of dogs playing poker does… but infinitely creepier. And more abusive.

“Toddlers in Tiaras” reveals a dark corner of American society where the parental urge to psychologically manipulate and use their children for personal reasons is at its strongest. In each episode we watch lonely mothers carry their daughters around town for artificial tanning, evening wear selection, eyebrow plucking, eyelash implantation and worse all for the purpose of competing for the crown. One child wound up sobbing and begging not to have her eyebrows done after a botched waxing ripped some of the skin off her face.

It’s not easy for girls to have high self-esteem in this Post-Miley Cyrus world of ours. Is it really smart to teach them the importance of dressing like a prom-night bimbo to win the smiles of a crowd of bucktooth hayseeds? Is it really okay to force your children to undergo appearance-altering procedures to serve your own selfish needs? It’s amazing that training a child like a little slut-monkey is promoted, yet somehow many believe the world will get worse if gay marriage is legalized. America.

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