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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Charlie Sheen, Brooke Mueller File for Divorce

Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller both filed for divorce on Monday, November 1, in Los Angeles Superior Court citing irreconcilable differences.

Charlie, who was the first to file, is seeking joint physical and legal custody of their twins: Bob and Max, born on March 14, 2009; Brooke wants Charlie to just have visitation rights with primary physical custody resting with her.

Sheen and Mueller have been living separately since their Christmas Day 2009 fracas which led to Sheen's arrest for domestic assault. On August 02, Charlie pleaded guilty to a single misdemeanor assault charge, and was sentenced to 30 days in rehab, three months probation and 36 hours of domestic violence counseling.

The timing of the divorce filing could be linked to completion of Sheen's probation.

In mid June, it was reported that the couple had arrived at a divorce settlement. However, they held back filing for a divorce immediately, so as not give the prosecution in Charlie's Aspen case additional ammo.

Under the agreement arrived at by the couple, Brooke and Charlie will share legal custody of Bob and Max. Charlie will pay $55,000 per month in child support with a rider that the amount will not at any stage be less than what Charlie pays for the support of his two girls - Sam and Lola - with Denise Richards.

Brooke will get primary physical custody of the children with Charlie allowed visitation, Saturday 10 AM through Monday 10 AM on the first, third and fifth weekends of a month.

Brooke doesn't get spousal support but walks away with several bank accounts, half of the couple's earnings from the photos of the twins sold to Getty images, and a sum of $757,689.70.

In return, Brooke agrees "not to disclose to any media sources personal information relating to Charlie's sexual affairs or alleged drug usage." Similarly, Charlie agrees not to reveal details about Brooke's drug abuse.

The two agree not to denigrate each other in front of the twins.

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