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Friday, May 20, 2011

Bar Refaeli Gives Fashion Two Fingers to Leo DiCaprio

Her ex, Leonardo DiCaprio might be parading around Cannes cosying up with a certain Gossip Girl, but by the looks of things, Bar Refaeli really doesn’t give two hoots.

Also in Cannes, Bar is taking no chances, if she bumps into her ex, she is going to look HOT. Here she is showing Leo exactly what he’s missing all while simultaneously becoming the envy of womankind.

It seems since the split Bar has made it her business to look as gorgeous as possible on as many red carpets as she can drag herself on to. But by jove, what a good job she is doing! She looks so fab we kind of want to stroke her beautiful dress, but seeing as her job is modelling clothes, that’s probably the idea. She should get some sort of pay rise or something.

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