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Friday, October 22, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Isn’t Going Back To Jail

Lindsay Lohan isn’t going back to the Century Regional Detention Center — but if the actress was expected to be back in the comfort of her posh Hollywood pad in time for Black Friday shopping on the annual broadcast of A Charlie Brown Christmas, she’s in for a rude awakening.

Guess that means we’re not getting a fourth snap to add to our collection of Lohan mugshots?

Beverly Hills Superior Court Judge Elden S. Fox has ordered the vodka-soaked starlet back to rehab – not jail – for violating the conditions of her DUI probation when she tested positive for cocaine in a random drug test in September. The failed test came just days after spending more than 20 days in court-ordered rehab at UCLA Medical Center and a 13-day jail stint.

Instead of revoking her probation and banishing Lohan back to the barracks of County Jail for up to 12 months, Fox has ordered the Life Size star to continue her addiction therapy at the Betty Ford Center, the famed Palm Springs rehab facility she checked into late last month, until Jan. 3, 2011.

“You’re staying there past the New Year and there is a reason for that,” Fox said in a hearing Friday morning.

The same judge sent Lohan to jail after a Sept. 24 hearing, but the ruling was overturned a short time later, after the actress’ lawyer filed an appeal with the court.

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