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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Eminem Bullied So Severely That His Mother Sued The School District

In the spirit of impressing upon oppressed and bullied teens that “It Gets Better,” The Smoking Gun has unearthed a nearly 30-year-old legal filing that reveals that as a preteen rapper Eminem — now widely-regarded as one of the finest lyricist The Hip-Hop World has ever seen — was the victim of such relentless bullying that his now-estranged mother Debbie sued his school for failing to protect him.

According to court papers filed in Detroit in 1982, the torment of the then 9-year-old Marshall Mathers began on Oct. 15, 1981, when he was beset by DeAngelo Bailey, a bully at the Dort Elementary School, who split his lip and knocked the wind out of him.

And that was just their first encounter.

More beatings at the hands of Bailey followed, including one in a restroom that left Young Em with “sustained injuries to his head, face, back and legs,” the papers state.

On a snowy day in Jan. 1982, Bailey nailed the future rap superstar in the face with a “snowball containing a heavy object or a piece of ice” while they were playing “King of the Hill” before beating the snot out of him.

For Debbie, the altercation was the final straw. She filed a $10,000 against Dort, claming her son suffered a concussion and a temporary loss of vision due to DeAngelo’s beating.

The suit was eventually dismissed on the grounds of “governmental immunity,” but Em eventually got his revenge against Bailey in 1999. The peroxide-topped newcomer blasted his tormentor in the song “Brain Damage.”

“He banged my head against the urinal till he broke my nose/ Soaked my clothes in blood, grabbed me and choked my throat,” he rhymed.

Bailey, who acknowledged bullying the kid who grew up to be Slim Shady, sued for invasion of privacy.

He lost.

Now a 38-year-old dad, Eminem has been shunning his own past a lyrical bully by speaking out about hazing in the wake of a surge in homophobic-fueled teen suicides.

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