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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt: PDA Time in Budapest

Brad Pitt showed support for partner and baby mama Angelina Jolie by turning up on set of her directorial debut film in Budapest on October 13.

The yet-to-be titled film is a love story set in the back drop of the Bosnian-Serbian war between 1992 to 1995 that led to the death of 100,000 people.

While on set, Brad practiced his own directorial skills using a Leica camera to capture stills.

However, he didn't let his interest in photography come in the way of spending quality time with Jolie. After all, these are difficult times, with even enduring celebrity hookups unraveling by the day.

Brad and Jolie were photographed snuggling up to each other, pecking at times.

Brad is on what maybe loosely described as a conjugal visit to Budapest where Jolie is camping for the duration of her film project.

Jolie has rented an apartment in the Hungarian capital and enrolled four of her children in an elite French-American school. Maddox, 9, and Pax, 6 attend regular school, while Zahra, 5, and Shiloh, 4, go to a kindergarten attached to the same school.

Pitt has been busy wrapping filming of Moneyball in Boston.

Elsewhere in Bosnia, Jolie's film faced a minor setback because Bosnia's culture and sports minister, Gavrilo Grahovac, has cancelled permission for her to shoot in the country in November citing incomplete paper work, reports Reuter.

According to an official statement:

"Since the request (for the shooting) is not in accordance with the law, it is incomplete and not accompanied by the necessary script, Minister Gavrilo Grahovac decided to annul the permit."

An association of female victims from the Bosnian war has objected to the film being shot in Bosnia contending that it shows a woman victim falling in love with her torturer.

Jolie has said the film does not dabble in politics and is a pure love story. She has offered to meet members of the association.

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