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Thursday, October 14, 2010

David Arquette Regrets Howard Stern TMI

David Arquette apologized, sort of, for dishing on his sex life with estranged wife Courteney Cox and girlfriend Jasmine Waltz in a phone-in to Howard Stern's radio show Tuesday morning.

On Wednesday, October 13, David went into damage control mode, but he didn't call Courteney or Jasmine to express regret, he tweeted to his fans.

"I went on [Howard Stern] yesterday to provide clarity and honesty about what I'm experiencing."

"but while doing that I shared too much...it's alright for me to be honest about my own feelings but in retrospect some of the information I provided involved others and for that I am sorry and humbled.

"Life is a process of spiritual evolution," he added for good affect.

David continues to nurse hopes of reconciliation.

"I'm sure Courteney and myself will emerge from this painful time better people for what we've learned," he wrote.

"Thank you all for your Love and support at this time. I'm trying figuring out how to be the best person I can be.

"but it's been a process of trial and error."

David's good friend, radio show host Howard Stern, says he doesn't believe David did anything wrong, adding that David is an "honorable guy."

On his morning show in Sirius radio, after reading newspaper reports slamming David, Stern said, "Hang in there, David Arquette."

"He was protecting his wife and kid by telling the truth," Stern said in David's defense.

"He handled himself very well. He didn't hide away in his house. He went on a legitimate show and spoke his mind and it was refreshingly honest. Anyone who heard it knew he was being honest. He was on to explain why he was in pictures with another woman. It was already in the news!"

And what does Courteney think about the drama being played out? A source tells People magazine that she isn't shocked with the way David has conducted himself.

"Does she wish she could edit what comes out of his mouth? Sure. But nothing surprises her at this point. What's amazing about Courteney is that she doesn't get caught up in all the ridiculousness," says the source.

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