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Monday, October 11, 2010

Michelle Obama Not Complete

First Ladies generally come in two varieties: those that look like your aunt and don’t do anything (Laura Bush, Rosalynn Carter) and those that secretly control the office of the President through hypnosis and/or blackmail (Nancy Reagan, Hillary Clinton). Michelle Obama broke the mold and decided to be neither. She’s got a degree from Harvard Law, but she never comes off as elitist. She’s classy, but also warm and approachable. She performs the duties of her position with aplomb while also managing to mother her two children. She’s got an organic garden and has even appeared on “The Simpsons.” While other First Ladies spent their White House years nagging you not to do drugs, Michelle seems like she would be more concerned if your drugs were produced using unsustainable farming practices. She also has awesome arms and isn’t afraid to show them off. Those guns look they could K.O. not only any other First Lady, but any president.

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