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Monday, October 11, 2010

Amy Poehler Not Complete

Put simply, Amy Poehler rules. Years ago, before her “Parks and Recreation” fame, I used to go see The Upright Citizens Brigade, the improv group she was with in New York City. U.C.B. is recognized as one of the funniest improv troupes in the U.S., but dammit if Amy Poehler didn’t dominate every sketch she was in. She’s funny yet intense, goofy yet smart. She was one of the best Weekend Update presenters that “Saturday Night Live” ever had. Even when a joke didn’t work she somehow saved it, scoring laughs at how bad the joke was. Her ability to make others laugh, and to laugh at herself, gives her a humility that seems rare in celebrity culture. She’s married to the also hilarious Will Arnett, with whom she recently had a second baby. A stable marriage with a man she loves, two biological children, a successful career, no arrests: maybe Amy Poehler shouldn’t even count as a celebrity. Maybe we should think of her as just a cool lady that shows up on T.V. sometimes.

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