Kirsten Dunst appears to have been at the herb in this next shot, although we’ll admit the evidence is a little, well, slim, so the jury’s kind of still out. That said, the sweet and demure-seeming actress has professed: “I do like weed… If everyone smoked weed, the world would be a better place.” It would certainly be a different place, Kirsten, we’ll give you that. And if your idea of a utopia is a nation of zombies, grazing wantonly on food in supermarket aisles, eyes forever glazed and mouths forever dry, then yes, it would be a better place too. She also claimed: “My best friend Sasha’s dad was Carl Sagan, the astronomer. He was the biggest pot smoker in the world and he was a genius.” Ah, the old Carl Sagan chestnut. The fact that Kirsten played Mary Jane in the Spider-Man trilogy is starting to look like less of a coincidence.
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