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Monday, August 30, 2010

Paris Hilton Charged with Felony Drug Possession

Paris Hilton was charged with felony drug possession on Monday, August 30. If convicted she faces a maximum of four years in jail.

Arraignment is set for October 27.

On Friday, August 27, a Cadillac Escalade being driven by her boyfriend, Cy Waits, in which Hilton was riding as a passenger, was pulled over by a motor cycle cop outside the Wynn hotel.

Waits was arrested and charged with DUI (Drugs).

Paris told the officer that she wanted to go inside the Wynn to use the restroom. The officer agreed, partly because a crowd was gathering, and accompanied Paris to a security holding room in the hotel.

In the report that he later filed, the arresting officer wrote:

"While we were waiting for the female officer to arrive, Hilton said she needed to put some lip balm on, and I handed her the purse from the table.

"As she began to open it, I saw a small bindle of what I believed to be cocaine in a clear baggy begin to fall from the purse into my hand."

Hilton told the officer that she borrowed the purse from a friend and "several cosmetic items inside the purse were not hers."

As to the bag of cocaine that fell out, she said, "She had not seen it but now thought it was gum."

Paris acknowledged to owning the broken Albuterol (an asthama medicine) pill, and Zig Zag wrappers commonly used to smoke marijuana, $1,300 in cash and credit cards.

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