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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Released from Rehab

Lindsay Lohan was released from rehab at UCLA Medical Center Tuesday night, August 24.

According to Radar Online, Lindsay left the UCLA Medical Center using a backdoor and rode home in a chauffer driven car.

Earlier in the day, she was reported to have signed her release papers.

Lindsay started her court mandated 90 day rehab on August 2, after serving 13 days in jail for violating the terms of her probation in a 2007 DUI case.

After she entered rehab, the judge on her case, Marsha Revel, recused herself and was replaced by Judge Elden Fox.

It has been reported that UCLA doctors believe Lindsay was misdiagnosed and have recommended to the new judge that she be released early.

According to TMZ, Lindsay will continue to receive outpatient care.

A hearing is scheduled in Lindsay's case tomorrow, August 25.

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