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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Busted Blazing It Up

It was inevitable that Lindsay Lohan would make an appearance somewhere on this list. For all her failings (and there are quite a few), she’s damn hot and, yes, she smokes pot. Or did. Back in 2005, she confessed, “I’m not going to deny the fact that I’ve tried pot. I hated it.” And everyone appreciated her honesty. Only thing is, in 2007 she was spotted raving it up at a New York nightclub, and a great, smoky mystery took form surrounding what exactly she was holding in this picture. Call us naive, but we’re not sure that’s a regular cigarette Li-Lo’s pinching. Still, the self-confessed drug and alcohol addict no doubt has more to worry about than a bit of reefer madness. Everyone knows Herbie isn’t the only one to have gone bananas – and surely no one’s blaming that little blunt.

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