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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Snooki Need Rehab

Poor taste in fashion and a soft spot for muscular “juicers” may be the least of Snooki’s problems.

Jersey Shore star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi insists recent reports claiming that she fell critically-ill after being diagnosed with alcohol poisoning last May are categorically-false, but informants with noses for news say Snooks “Bring Your Own Keg” attitude is out of control and has the diminutive reality tart just a hop, skip, and jump away from a stint in rehab.

Paging Dr. Drew….

MTV producers are torn, one insider told The Chicago Sun-Times on Tuesday. While show bosses recognize that Snooki has all of the tell-tale signs of becoming a future cardbord box-dwelling boozer, they’re not ready to let the outspoken guidette bid farewell to Seaside Heights for a six-week stint at The Betty Ford Clinic.

After all, sober or sloshed, the girl’s a ratings goldmine. And Snooks drunkeness makes for good television, MTV argues. Just check out the public reaction that followed the former student’s arrest for disorderly conduct last month. Sending her to rehab — particularly during taping — could tame the show’s tawdry appeal.

”While this is reality TV and pretty much anything goes, other members of the cast and show staffers are very concerned about Snooki — want her to get some serious counseling, if not total rehab. The problem is, this is contradictory to what makes ‘Jersey Shore’ fun. It’s all about wild partying, and there’s lots of drinking. You can’t suddenly mix in a serious element and add a ‘Celebrity Rehab’ angle. … Even though she needs help, that won’t be part of the show — at least for now…”

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