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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nick Cannon 30th Birthday Party Sponsors

Nick Cannon is looking for someone to sponsor his 30th birthday party, tattling squeals tell The New York Post’s Page Six Column.

Reps for Mariah’s Other Half — who also masquerades as host of the TV talent show America’s Got Talent — have sent out a mass email asking corporate sponsors to foot the bill for Cannon’s 30th birthday bashes in New York and Los Angeles next month, Hollywood insiders say. Tinseltown heavyweights like Jay-Z and Beyonce and Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are expected to attend the celebrations and Nick is using his celeb connections to save a little dough as he leaves his twenties in the dust.

“This is an extremely exciting opportunity to sponsor a fun and lavish event? opportunities range from gift bags and signage to tweets and photo ops,” reads the emal, which was sent to more than a dozen major corporations.

In exchange for their sponsorship, Nick promises that companies will receive Tweets and exclusive photographs in recognition of their donation. A $2,500 donation will get sponsors a feature in the gift bag, while an even more generous $15,000 will guarantee “one Tweet,” plus a “mention in all public relations materials,” the email reads. Those prepared to fork over 25,000 smacks will earn the donator the official title of “Host Sponsor,” which includes “three Tweets,” a “right to service out photos,” and a “logo on all collateral.”

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