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Monday, September 27, 2010

Taylor Swift To Replace Lindsay Lohan In Romantic Comedy

Lindsay Lohan’s inability to keep her nose clean — literally — may give Taylor Swift her first leading role in a feature film.

The “Fearless” sweetheart is the new favorite to star in One Night With You, a new film about a former child star finding success ona reality TV dating show. The role, created by writer-producer Richard O’Sullivan, was initially offered to Lindsay, but after the troubled starlet’s most recent relapse and scrape with the law, producers are now eyeing Swift — whose acting credits include the ensemble comedy Valentine’s Day and one episode of TV’s CSI.

“It appears the romantic comedy may finally be off the table for Lindsay Lohan. The producers had actually talked to Taylor Swift’s agent a few months back about replacing Lindsay, but Taylor was in themiddle of her tour. Now that Lindsay can’t conquer her troubles, they’re taking the offer back to Taylor,” says a Hollywood snoop.

Lohan has since served two stints in jail in the past month — the latest a 10-hour stay on Friday– and will reportedly check herself in for a fourth round of rehab last this week.

“It is ready-made for Lindsay… but we’re proceeding with extreme caution while the Lohan family sorts through their issues during a very trying time,” O’Sullivan confided to WENN.com.

It’s the second major role Lohan has lost this year. She was dropped from the cast of The Other Side in April. But this latest snub could be the least of Lohan’s troubles. Experts say Lindsay’s career could take at least ten years to revamp, thanks to her four-year battle with addiction.

“Lindsay is immensely talented, but the big problem is going to be insuring her for the next ten years,” Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney, Mark Geragos, told FOX News last week.

“She is absolutely uninsurable even if a studio was willing to take the risk and hire her, so in this case its only time that can heal.”

Geragos says Lohan would have to stay “absolutely clean and sober” for a minimum period of five years for an insurance company to even consider a coverage plan for her.

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