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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tom Arnold Rehab

Tom Arnold’s next starring role? Rehab: Take 2!

Roseanne’s former peen supplier has checked into the world-renowend Betty Ford Clinic in Pasadena for six-weeks of inpatient therapy to help him detox from pain drugs prescribed to him following recent emergency colon surgery.

Over the summer, the True Lies star was secretly for a perforated colon, a painful procedure that forced him to spend a month in the hospital, where his a cocktail of pain pills were used as part of his pain management.

“He spent over a month in the hospital after emergency surgery for a perforated colon. During that time, extensive pain and anti-anxiety meds were administered,” Arnold’s publicist explains. “His doctors advised him to go into a supervised, structured recovery/rehab facility to properly and safely detox from all meds.”

Tom married his fourth bride, Ashley Groussman, last November.

A “sober alcoholic,” Arnold, 51, hasn’t had a drink in 20 years.

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