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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt Spotted Together

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt were photographed together, in step, during the the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Carpinteria, CA, on Sunday, September 12.

The couple has filed for a divorce, but are reportedly working on reconciling their differences. They recently returned from a sojourn in Costa Rica.

While returning, Spencer was arrested at the airport in Costa Rica for felony possession of firearms. He was cited and then released, after he surrendered his weapon and signed a confession.

Following his arrival in the US, Spencer, who unabashedly admits to being fame hungry, issued the following statement to TMZ:

"As part of my spiritual cleansing I've spent the last week living alone in the jungle, reflecting on my past transgressions, and working to become a better person. I had to live off the land, and hunt to survive. As I departed the country this morning to continue my spiritual journey, I mistakenly brought my hunting weapons to the airport. It was an honest mistake, and they sent me on my way. On an unrelated note, I'm not allowed in the country anymore -- but that's because of the chicken incident."

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