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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Will.i.Am Blackface VMA Outfit Stirs Controversy

Another year, another controversy for MTV’s VIDEO Music Awards…albeit a small one. Black Eyed Peas frontman Will.i.Am is stirring up a bit of drah-mah after he kicked off Sunday’s VMA Pre-Show — alongside a Rainbow Brite — er — we mean Nicki Minaj — in full Blackface.

The pair performed their duet “Check It Out” as Will took “all black everything” to new heights, wearing black from head to toe — literally. The fashion industry has been raked over the coals in recent months for adorning White models in historically offensive black paint. Blackface — which first gained popularity during the 19th century — typically promotes racist stereotypes toward African Americans. Even ’90s-era catwalker Claudia Schiffer took a verbal beating in the court of public opinion after she celebrated Black beauty by fitting herself with a wig and Blackface. But is the act still offensive — even racist — when a person of color participates? Perhaps it’s just poor taste?

In addition to his face paint, Will wore head-to-toe black…complete with shiny hair piece. The musician — an African-American (obviously) — quickly hit his Twitter page Sunday to downplay the brewing debate over his choice of costume.

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